Shopping While Black Survey

Tell us about your shopping while Black experience


12 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 55
55 - 64
65 +
Mixed heritage
Self describe, not listed
Every time I shop
Almost every time I shop
Every now and again
Almost never
Staff denying service
Staff or guard checking bags for no reason
Staff making a negative comment, such as "Can I help you?" targeting just you, implying I don't belong, "Are you sure you're in the right place?," "Maybe you'd like something a bit less expensive."
Staff looking at me suspiciously
Other type of hurtful comments behaviour
Contributed to feelings of depression or low self-esteem
Impacted my personal life and how I interact with others
Impacted my ability to do my job and feel confident in my professional life
Made me feel humiliated, angry or like I don't belong
Made me feel powerless
No impact whatsoever
Yes, I asked to speak to the manager
Yes, I filed a complaint with the retailer's head office.
Yes, I sought legal advice and considered suing.
Yes, I filed a complaint with the Equality and Human Rights Commission
Yes, I did something else.

Racial profiling in retail is common but must stop! While it's illegal. Many staff in various positions in retail STILL tend to treat people of colour unfairly.

Racial profiling in retail is common but must stop! While it's illegal, plenty of staff in retail STILL tend to treat people of colour unfairly, suspecting them of theft and or not providing and refusing services, often assuming Black people can't afford to to pay for products, high value goods or simply make Black customer unwelcome. We want to make it STOP. Few of the ways we can do that is by showing the harmful impact of racial profiling is and how widespread it is, partner with UK retailer and carry our mystery, secret shopping visits. That's where you come in!

By sharing with us your experiences ,help us build a database of store racially profiling and share what we are doing, and bolster our UK campaign and force companies to act to end discrimination and negative racial profiling.Thank you!

, suspecting them of theft and or not providing and refusing services, often assuming Black people can't afford to to pay for products, high value goods orsimply make Black customer unwelcome. We want to make it STOP. Few of the ways we can do that is by showing the harmful impact of racial profiling is and how widespread it is, partner with UK retailer and carry our mystery, secret shopping visits. That's where you come in!

By sharing with us your experience,help us build a database of store racially profiling and share what we are doing, and bolster our UK campaign and force companies to act to end discrimination and negative racial profiling. Thank you!

Thank you for taking part in this survey!

You are not alone. Discrimination is never okay and illegal. There are measures you can take to hold retailers to account, including writing official complaints and getting legal advice. Go to sisters website customer UK resources to find out more and use the new hashtag #shoppingwhileblackuk #shoppingwhileblack on social media if you'd like to share your experience with a wider crowd.

Be ready to power up, get ready to enjoy and different experience, a new SWB ✔perience that welcomes you Shopping While Black!

Our goal is to pursue, update, and advance the retail and services industry in the across the globe to help foster a true anti-racist, non-hostile safe shopping spaces and areas for Black consumers to feel really welcome in all environments, and to tangibly feel valued and respected.

Whether you're looking to pop to your local corner shop, high-street locla supermarket, beauty salon or to high end outlets, 5 * services and restaurants alike. Maybe for that unplanned service station stop off for a short break a cappuccino. We want businesses to bestow a genuine free from racial profiling welcome.

Black consumers hold the power with the Black dollar and pound, economical power in the Black hand, collectively we can help you use it in places you and your money are of equal value

Eye 👁️‍🗨️ of the Black Gaze






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